
Following in the footsteps of Italy, Spain and Israel, models under a certain BMI are banned from the all runways and campaigns.

In an effort to discourage anorexia and the negative effects stemming from certain portrayals of women in the media, a new law straight from the French Parliament states that models under a certain Body Mass Index are now banned from employment. PLUS, images can’t be distorted in order to make a model look slimmer. If an image has been altered or photoshopped in ANY way, the altered photo must come with a statement. AND, pro-anorexia websites have been monitored, taken down, and blocked in the country. THAT IS HARDCORE. A GOOD TYPE OF HARDCORE.

Some argue that BMI’s aren’t a great tool to use when judging a model’s health.  Well as we know, Victoria Secret models are put through intense fitness and health regiments in order to maintain a figure that falls just above the “ultra-thin” line, so there are definitely ways of being a working model while still maintaining a healthy BMI.





Whether relying on BMI measurements is right or wrong, the body positive message behind the new law is starting to take over the world!!




(Images via Victoria’s Secret Instagram)