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The Kardashians aren’t going to like this one… Or maybe they will??? We know they’ll love the attention!

A very mysterious thing is happening in Hollywood, and it’s not just us wondering if someone got plastic surgery or not. Strange signs have been popping up all over the place, reading “No Kardashian Parking Anytime”, which are AMAZING.


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The idea was all a dude who calls himself “Plastic Jesus”, who is LA’s knockoff Banksy. He says the idea came to him when he was driving through Hollywood one day and saw a media frenzy happen in real time when the Kardashian sisters walked out of a store.

Plastic Jesus says to the Hollywood Reporter:

“The Kardashian family has become ingrained in our culture. We’ve allowed mainstream media to become so profit-driven, we are sacrificing genuine news stories to satiate our vapid celebrity obsessions.”

“I guarantee that same number of paparazzi was far greater than any number of photographers chasing real news.”


Though this Plastic Jesus fellow has went a little far in the past, we think these signs are hilarious.


(Photos via Instagram, Instagram)