
Lets be thankful we have kind of normal people on the TTC!

Since crazy things always tend to happen on the subway it’s no surprise that something crazy happened on a New York subway!




Last Saturday on a New York subway line an older aged man who seemed to be a bit drunk was riding the subway when all of a sudden he pulled out a massive dildo and stated waving it in peoples faces.




If thats not enough every time the subway would reach a new station he would put it away and act completely normal until the train started moving again. When new passengers arrived he would pull out the dildo again and start waving it around again.




If you thought just waving it around was bad, well lets just say he did a lot of other inappropriate things with it as well.

Lets be thankful nothing like this happens on the TTC!!!!



(images via AEMoreira042281airytailocsquickmemebloodletting)