
The celebrity author Gods have answered our prayers!!!

We love her on film, we love her on the Internet, and now we’ll love her in print! Anna Kendrick has officially signed with Touchstone and is writing her own book!


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The book is expected to feature plenty of behind-the-scenes moments, her success in Hollywood, and the life she lead in Maine before acting.

Anna said “I’m excited to publish my first book, and because I get uncomfortable when people have high expectations, I’d like to use this opportunity to showcase my ineptitude, pettiness, and the frequency with which I embarrass myself. While many of my female inspirations who have become authors are incredibly well-educated and accomplished comedy writers, I’m very, very funny on Twitter, according to Buzzfeed and my mom, so I feel like this is a great idea.”

Anna’s book is set to be in stories during the Fall of 2016! Also, I’ll be making an advent calendar counting down to this. No word of a lie.



(Images via Anna Kendrick/Twitter)