
After Diana Sawyer’s interview with Bruce Jenner, campaign for people to show their support has taken off!!

Bruce Jenner’s recent life changing interview with Diane Sawyer about his journey transitioning into a woman has been the one of the biggest stories of the year. An Australian radio DJ named Kyle Sandilands was especially touched by the story, and started a movement called Paint Your Nails for Bruce!

And guess what – The trend is spreading like wildfire!!!

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The movement is said to be inspired by Bruce’s comment to Diane Sawyer, when he stated that he wants to “be able to have my nail polish on long enough that it actually chips off.” The campaign allows us to support who Bruce really is on the inside. Now, would it really be a worldwide movement if Adam Wylde didn’t get in on the action!?

We promised sexy and glittery nails, so now you’re gonna get ’em!!





Ladies, line up to the left!!!




(Images via TMZKIIS 1065, Reece MastinAnne Burn)