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AND we have an amazing story about an amazing pet store in Brazil. AND we get a visit from Laura Bye and BEAR!! It’s a good day.

We constantly fill your feed with Save Our Scruff updates because WE LOVE THEM, but if you still don’t know… Save Our Scruff is an organization based out of Toronto, created by Laura Bye. Save Our Scruff focuses on rescuing and rehoming dogs in need into loving homes here in Toronto and the GTA. We had the pleasure of talking to her again today AND having little BEAR in studio today!!!



If you’re interesting in adopting or fostering a dog, Save Our Scruff has a ton of pups that need homes!!! Here are some babes you can rescue.


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Meet OSCAR! This cutie is a 3 year old Dachshund hound just WAITING for a home! He is roughly 14lbs and is utd on all shots! He is always wagging his tail and just loves sitting on laps. He’s playful and happy and is just lovely to wake-up to. He just wants to get pet and cuddled. He likes to follow but will also play alone too. He is frightened of his leash and sensitive to men (barks at first). He pees if he gets uncomfortable but is working on this in foster. He needs to feel safe, so would hopefully progress in a stable environment. He is much more then his fears and will make someone very happy! He is very loyal and would do great with someone who lives alone and is looking for a roommate but could excel in other environments. He is animal social but has not been tested with cats. Although, he looks to have low prey drive.


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SHEENA (right) is so excited to find her forever family that she head butt the camera just thinking about it. She has been doing really well in foster. She is very social, LOVES people and other dogs. Her best dog friend, pictured here, is an awesome support system for her as she suffers from separation anxiety. She will cry when her foster leaves the home and also scratches at the door. She’d do great in a home with another dog as she loves being in the company of others and it may subside her anxiety! She just recently was given a thunder shirt so hopefully it will help as well! She is incredibly smart; responds to commands. She’s great on walks. She is also sort of an escape artist.. so she will need a home that is fenced and secure.


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WALTER WHITE everyone! He’s cute. He’s fun. He’s happy. He’s playful. He’s a puppy. HES GREAT. WALTER is a 4-5 month old Jack Russell who lives up to his breed with the amount of energy he can burn on the reg. He is great with cats, dogs and humans. He has some minor anxiety that is manageable and can be improved! Let’s get him in a home so we can start his training with the stability he needs!


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MAX is on the search for a new FOSTER HOME! This gorgeous shepherd is looking for someone experienced with separation anxiety as well as basic training. He is an oversized but still young pup who is in the process of learning! He needs help with his excitement around dogs and his ability to feel comfortable when alone or not included. He has a lot of energy and does best after lots of exercise. He is very dog social but is in the early stages of socialization!


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Looking for a new pillow?! MIEKOS taking applications!! This guy is the sweetest!! He loves walks, is super quiet and patient and ALWAYS enjoys a good cuddle. He’s super laid back in the home but is full of energy when he goes out! (Isn’t that what everyone wants?!) He’s dog social and is likely good with cats as he isn’t bothered by much. Did I mention he’s miniature?! Puppy for life anyone! He’s a stunted shepherd/corgi mix which makes him a 10/10 on the cuteness scale.


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ELSA will teach you the special handshake.. she’s from the streets, she knows what’s good. After some debate she is still up for ADOPTION. ELSA is very friendly but also timid and shy. She needs reassurance that she’s doing what she is supposed to as being a house dog is all new to her! As of now, she is following her foster around the house and likes to stay near her because she’s the only thing she knows. Once settled, ELSA should be able to be comfortable enough in her surroundings to be in rooms by herself and be less anxious. She is learning to be housetrained but is in the beginning stages. She will need someone available to let her out to the bathroom as she doesn’t know how to show it and will end up going inside. She is learning how to walk on leash and is improving! She is NOT to be off leash as she hasn’t become comfortable enough to do things she knows are good vs. doing things out of fear (E.g. running away when you go after her). She is eager to please and this is beneficial to her training! It’s important we get her in a forever home quickly so she can learn the routines/rules while she is adjusting. She is good with cats and and small dogs of lower energy since she is easily frightened. ELSA is a gorgeous dog but please look into matching her personality when considering your home suitable for her.


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Meet BELLA. She is just over a year old and is extremely energetic! She loves going for walks, she’s a curious dog but will stay close to her human. She loves humans, cats, dogs, birds.. anything. She just loves being around others. She doesn’t particularly like being held as it makes her nervous. Instead, she will sleep on your feet or stay close to you on the couch. She isn’t a barker. She will need to be put on a diet– and because of her current weight has difficulty getting up on high furniture. But.. more to cuddle with.


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ODIE and OREO just arrived from Egypt this week! Both are puppies that were rescued off the streets of Cairo! They are both very playful, excited, social and eager to learn and explore! They will need all basic training but who cares they are ADORABLE! Both are up for adoption.


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TOBY Save Our Scruff’s senior resident (roughly 12) is looking for a forever home. If you are looking for a dog to join the circus or want to start an IG account ‘things on my dogs head’.. TOBY has perfected balancing treats on his head. He is very well behaved but will need time to ADJUST. He does have some stranger danger (particularly with men) so he will need time to feel confident in his new home as well as trust his new peeps although his comfort level has grown immensely with new people and also with dogs. TOBY can adjust to anything. He is a wonderful dog that is deserving of a great home. He is neutered and fully housetrained. He would do best in s home without cats or children!

If you want to adopt a dog, start fostering or make a donation, email!!! And definitely come out on Saturday and meet some of these babes!!!

Also visit, the Save Our Scruff Facebook Page, and Instagram!!!



And in the spirit of Pet Thursdays, we have an AMAZING story about a pet store in Brazil. Quatro Patinhas (translated to Four Paws) recently started a program entitled “Priceless Pets.” The goal of priceless pets is to help increase the number of adoptions of homeless animals, proving their’s NO difference between bred and shelter pets!! Priceless Pets wrote this on their website:


“There are thousands of animal shelters in Brazil. And most of them are overcrowded, we believe there’s no difference between purebred animals and shelter animals.”


To prove this point, the store put shelter pets in their window advertising them as pure-bred’s. When people came in and were interested in buying them, they were COMPLETELY surprised that the animals were free because they were really adopting shelter pets!!!

FourPaws is looking to bring the program to 41 different pet shops which they operate!


We LOVE this. Check out the video below to see the reactions!!






(Photos via Save Our Scruff)