
And here we see yet another app mistaking Adam Wylde for a woman. Nothing new, really.

Just last week the big thing circling the internet was an app called My Idol. Well now that that a weeks gone by and it’s apparently old news, we’ve jumped on the newest bandwagon! A website called analyzes any picture you upload and tells you what age you look! BEWARE: It’s either heartbreaking, or you’ll have a total confidence boost.

So how old do WE look?!

Producer Jesse looks 33 although he’s only 23!! Seems like someone’s aging pretty quick…

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Blake Carter is literally SPOT ON!!!!!!!! Heck yeah!blakeage

Intern Blair looks 20?! This is amazing considering she’s actually 19, under 5 feet, and looks like an eleven year old child in person.


And finally Adam Wylde. If you remember when we played around with the My Idol app, Adam was made into a cyber version of himself but with boobs and long hair. Looks like there’s a trend here…

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At least the website provides an apology. Well played.




(Images via, Jesse Blake, Blake Carter, Blair RotsteinAdam Wylde)