The teens are so hip these days! Disappearing for 72 hours and scaring the living crap out of everyone!

Kids do weird things. They justify eating dirt and they shower with their clothes on. And we love that stuff – it’s cute and oddly comforting. But now, in a new game called 72, kids go missing – OUT OF CHOICE.

It’s not weird, it’s actually just plain stupid. In 72, you disappear in person and on all social media platforms for three full days. If your disappearance causes the most panic, you’re ‘doing it right’.


We’re talking Amber Alerts and police investigations! Disappearing with no warning isn’t a harmless prank! It’s an actual life or death matter for some people. Of course, the kids are fine, but what would possess someone to think that this idea is enjoyable for anyone?!

youths gif

Gotta admit, these kids have really strong willpower if they don’t touch their Facebook or Tumblr accounts for three whole days. It’s quite impressive. On top of that, kids from smaller rural areas are venturing out alone into the city. Do these kids have master survival skills or something?!

Some advice for future generations: The best kind of pranks are the harmless ones. Fill a closet with balloon animals!! Draw a comic on every roll of toilet paper!! Don’t go missing for three days with no warning!!




(Image via Pixabay)