
GoPro CEO gives $229 million to his college roommate to fulfill a promise he made. WHAT?!

Nick Woodman is a billionaire that we REALLY need to befriend. Let’s rewind to his college life and the first GoPro employee ever. His name is Neil Dana and he was Nick’s roommate at the University of California in San Diego. Essentially, Nick took over the Neil’s GoPro business but promised  that he would give him 10 percent of any proceeds gained from the cameras. Now Neil is the director of GoPro’s music and specialty sales, and just became a whole lot richer…Like 229 MILLION BUCKS RICHER!!




We all know that the GoPro company is HUGE and racking in the billions. That means that Neil’s share has skyrocketed! To stay true to the promise  he made in the early 2000’s, Nick Woodman granted Neil Dana more than six million stock options, which would be coming out of Nick’s own holdings. ALSO Nick repaid his company 4,678,180 to compensate for all the stock options given to Neil. Neil exercised his stock options this week and they’ve valued at a whopping $229 million!




Although millions of dollars are being tossed around, Nick Woodman’s net worth is still standing strong at $2.3 billon. And he’s only 39.






(Image via TechCrunch Flickr)