
Are you ready to hear about the newest, coolest game that the teens of today are playing??? I don’t know if you are…

What is the hippest (do people even use that anymore) popular game around???

~~~ Summoning demons ~~~




Ya, that’s right. Kids are trying to summon some devilish spirits with pencils and a hashtag!!




I get that teens never really got the idea or consequences that come with their actions, but you would think that summoning demons would turn on a light on that head of their….


This past weekend, the hashtag #CharlieCharlieChallenge made its round across the Twitter verse. The challenge involves participants balancing two pencils perpendicular to eachother and ask a question to a spirit named Charlie. Charlie then ‘supposedly’ moves the pencils to reveal the answer.


Charlie challenge? #charliecharliechallenge

A photo posted by Stephanie Vazquez <3 (@boo_bear_0818) on