Screen Shot 2015-05-28 at 2.14.30 PMStep 1: Go to Instagram, Step 2: Search the tag “Manties”…. *Cue jaw drop*

Step aside dad-bod, the #manties Instagram trend is giving the ripped, gym loving men a chance to show case the bodies they have worked so hard for. The whole idea behind this new fad is to let men flaunt what they’ve got by taking a picture of themselves wearing nothing but underwear. I’ll allow it.




If the trend hasn’t worked its way into your Insta feed yet, don’t worry, it probably will soon! The future of #manties is still in the air however since most men who having been posting now are all VERY ripped. (See example below… Hubba Hubba)


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However, what will happen if it follows in the footsteps of the female-oriented campaign #ImNoAngel which was designed to let women embrace their different shapes and curves. Could the #manties trend turn into a campaign that allows men of all sizes to embrace their bodies??? Guess we will wait and see!!

All we know now, is that we want to see Adam pop up on our Insta feeds showing off his #Manties!!!








(Images via Instagram, Giphy, Instagram, Tumblr)