Screen Shot 2015-06-02 at 3.59.37 PMWhat if it became ILLEGAL for grocery stores to throw away unsold food?? (It already happened)

This past week, France introduced a new law that could help solve just a few of the worlds issues. The new law states that it is now ILLEGAL for supermarkets to throw away any unsold food that can still be consumed. They are now required to donate that food to local charities and organizations. Arash Derambarsh, the man behind the campaign, now wants to take this law to a global level.




The #WhatAWaste campaign will hopefully help to reduce the $31 billion worth of food that is WASTED each year and will help charities and organizations put food on the table for people who can’t afford to. Ultimately, it will help to end poverty and world hunger!




In Canada, we are taking the initiative to have this new law recognized by the Canadian Government so that we too can help put edible, leftover food to good use. This petition urges the Government of Canada to:

  • Bar supermarkets from throwing out and intentionally destroying unsold, edible food
  • Require supermarkets to donate goods no longer fit for sale to charities or to farms for use as animal feed or compost
  • Require supermarkets to donate goods that have been wrongfully packaged or damaged, but that remain edible

 If you would like to participate in this movement and sign the petition then click here






(Images via  FlickrTumblrTumblr)