
Lord Voldemort, and other movie villains are just KILLING it in the presidential poll!

He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named just beat out a number of Republican Presidential candidates in a favourability poll!

According to the Washington Post-ABC News survey, the Harry Potter villain has a higher approval rating than candidates Mike Huckabee, Jeb Bush, Chris Christie and Ted Cruz!!!




The ONLY explanation I have is that Voldemort must be using some of his dark magic to sway the polls, right?? Because if I recall, Voldemort killed Harry Potter’s parents, fed his enemies to a massive snake, and tortured and killed muggles for fun. But he’s still polling better than Republicans….

That’s one, big, burn!




Thankfully, for America’s sake, The Dark Lord did NOT come out on top! President Obama, along with Hillary Clinton were able to triumph against the evil wizard!




But don’t get too hopeful, because believe it or not, the ones claiming the top spots are not even real people…


Leading the polls is none other than Star Wars villain Darth Vader and the shark from Jaws! (This must be a joke, and yet it’s not). But the best pick for President, the one that is most suited to run the great, American, nation?????!!!!!…….

~ ~ The Terminator ~ ~



Well, it seems Americans have their priorities in check! The people have spoken!

And God Bless America!


Check out the polls here!



(Images via Daenerys Twitter)