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Kanye is just like every other dad!!! SHOCKING!!!

The cold may not have bothered Elsa, but Kanye falling asleep during her performance at Disney Land sure did!!!!




Kim and Yeezy took their little princess North West to Disney Land for her birthday. Papa West must have been tuckered out from running around the park all day since he caught some shut eye during the 25-minute sing along show of “Frozen.”




Elsa was NOT impressed since she took to twitter and Facebook saying

“when you perform for the Kardashian family for North’s birthday…and Kanye sleeps through the whole show.”




One audience member even captured Kanye in the classic “dad fell asleep at the show pose” with his body slumped down and his head resting on the back of the seat.


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Unfortunately for Kanye, he is just too high profile to get away with doing that classic dad move at shows. But come on Elsa, maybe you should just let this one go!!


NOW, in honour of Disney’s Frozen, lets take a minute to appreciate this MAGICAL movie…











(Images via Instagram, YoutubeTwitter, Gighy)