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We’ve got a break down on this pop princess’s expenses!!!

Britney’s dogs are being treated like ROYALTY since she has dropped thousands of dollars on the pampered pooches. Her finances, filed in her conservatorship case, were recently obtained by TMZ and she is one BIG spender.




She reportedly dropped $24,720 on pet care in 2014!! Her pups were pampered with groomers who cost $300 a pop, 12 visits to the vet totalling $4,000 AND a whopping $14,720 was spent on pet sitting.




Brit dragged in $14 MILL in gross profits this past year people!!!! She CLEARLY can afford to pamper her dogs!!! Oh and don’t worry… she also pampered herself by spending $5.7 MILL just on, you know, stuff…




This “stuff” included $15,270 on meals and entertainment and $71,629 on grooming and wardrobe!!! OH and the best part?!?! She spent $4,000 on Halloween decorations and $6,000 on other various holiday decorations…. yeah…. same….




The icing on the cake?!?! Brit only spent $6,000 on presents for all of her human friends!!! I think I would rather be one of her dogs…




(Images via Instagram, Giphy)