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A London, Ontario shooting of an 18-year-old boy after tracking down his cellphone has left Police confused and people worried about the useful apps that allow you to locate your cellphones!!

Jeremy Cook, an 18-year-old Brampton student, was fatally shot and killed after using a tracking app to find his lost phone.




Jeremy accidentally left his phone in a cab, in London, Ontario over the weekend. He found that his phone was at an address near Highbury Avenue. He took a relative with him to obtain his phone, but was instead greeted by three men in a car when he arrived. Jeremy allegedly reached for the door of the car in an attempt to retrieve his phone when they started to drive off, resulting in shots being fired. He was dead before Police arrived.




SCARY right?!? Police were confused by the situation since Jeremy was not known by Police and he also did not know his attackers. London Police Constable Ken Steeves, sent out a reminder saying

“The app itself is a great tool to have. Nobody could ever predict that what occurred was going to occur in that case, but if you suspect there’s any potential for violence at all, we certainly encourage people to contact police.”

Now this was the first story of its kind to ever happen in London and the London Police made it very clear that…

“It wasn’t the app that took away Jeremy’s life, it was the individuals, which would be rare, who happened to be armed with a gun.”


What is the moral of this story?!?! Be VERY CAREFUL when tracking down a lost phone!!!!!



(Images via Giphy, London Police)