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To the people who supply Costco with eggs…. WATCH OUT!!! Ryan Gosling is coming for you!!!

Gosling is putting his celebrity name on a campaign to stop the inhumane treatment of chickens that are sold to U.S. retail stores!!



Gosling wrote an open letter the the CEO of Costco urging him to reconsider the venders who supply their eggs after a video was released a few weeks ago showing the cruelty these chickens face!! This video shows the chickens being crammed into cages surrounded by dirt as well as workers removing dead hens who were trampled… (WARNING: this video might make you cry!!!!!)




Gosling said in his letter that…

“It is appalling that Costco has been selling these eggs with deceptive labeling on cartons featuring graphics of birds living out in a green pasture.”

We all know Gosling has a thing for birds and his support with this campaign will hopefully help to bring chicken cruelty to an end!!






(Images via Flickr, Giphy)