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Think about how many times you have been able to beat the computer in chess….?

With the Terminator Genisys movie coming out in theatres soon, the story of an artificial intelligence machine getting testy with a human is causing more controversy then ever.

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In 1984, when the first Terminator movie was released, the idea’s presented by James Cameron about the relationships between humans and machines were just imaginary and futuristic. Now, with the release of Genisys, these notions are already in play, with machines integrated into our daily lives.




Arnold Schwarzenegger, during an interview with mashable, said…

“That’s something we have to be very careful of. As you can see, now, the machines are way ahead of us with intelligence. You have to just be careful not to let that happen — it would be disastrous. I don’t know how you would get it back. Just to see the way that they play chess. I mean, against the computer, you have no chance.”



Kind of terrifying right?!?!! Well thankfully, the guys who were brought in to design the advanced technology for the new movie are saying that for now, we are ALL GOOD! When they created the new John Connor they created a human/machine hybrid that allowed for him to keep his human form while also gaining all of the abilities of a machine!



BUT it gets even more terrifying since Gil da Costa and Weiss, the guys behind the idea, are actually working on and SUCCEEDING in creating this human/machine hybrid. The good news, is that they are not trying to take over the world with it!!!!



Gil da Costa said

“There are things that computers are great at doing and thing that brains are great at doing. Computers process data and recognize patters far faster; brains are far superior at making decisions and using emotions, which we tend to think of as anti-rational behavior, but are there to help us do the right things for survival. Put them together, and you’d have something truly powerful — and potentially terrifying. Or so our movies tend to tell us.”





I’m still horrified!!!!!



(images via Instagram, giphy, mashable)