
Donald Trump proves he can fit both his feet in his mouth at once!!!!!

On Saturday afternoon, Donald Trump spoke at the annual Family Leadership Summit in Ames, Iowa. The presidential hopeful has already been in the hot seat for the very controversial, very ridiculous statements he has made during his campaign. But what Trump said this weekend might be his worse line of all, at least in regards to his standing in the polls.

Trump had this to say about John McCain, who had just been called a “War Hero” by a speaker earlier in the event.

“[John McCain] is a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”


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Donald, we know making people angry is your favourite pass time, but you should at least know your audience better!!! Insulting the military or military achievements in front of very conservative Americans is a big no-no!!! Hopefully this is the tipping point in Trump’s campaign and people on both sides start realizing what a moron he really is.

And to Mr. Trump, we say:

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(Images via GiphyGoogle)