
This father is making his daughters work for their inheritance!!!

Real estate millionaire Maurice Laboz passed away earlier this year at the age of 77, leaving behind a $50 million fortune, $27 million of which he left for his two daughters.

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But, Maurice’s daughters, Marlena, 21, and Victoria, 17, did not simply inherit this money, they were left with a “bucket list” of sorts that they had to complete in order to receive the cash. This list included:


1. Marlena will get $687,000 for getting married as long as her husband signs a a sworn statement promising to keep his hands off the cash.

2. If Marlena graduates from an accredited university, she will receive $1 million dollars.. however only after she writes 100 words or less describing what she intends to do with it.

3. The girls are guaranteed an annual payout of three times the income listed on their personal federal tax return.

4. If the daughters have kids and don’t work outside the house they will give them each 3 percent of the value of their trust every January 1. However the money will only flow if the ‘child is born in wedlock.’

5. The girls could also earn the same amount for being a ‘caregiver’ to their mother, Ewa Laboz, 58. Ewa was in the middle of divorcing with Maurice at the time and received nothing in the will.


This method of controlling your fortune from the dead isn’t very common, but it does happen. His daughters might not agree, but we think he’s a genius!!

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(Images via Flickr, Giphy)