
Here is how one man feels about his spouse moving to Mars.

For anyone that hasn’t heard about the Mars One Project, it is a privately funded venture that plans to take 100 people to Mars starting in 2026. One of these 100 people, is Virginia woman Sonia Van Meter. Sonia, who originally signed up for Mars One as a shot in the dark, is a wife and step-mom of two sons, age 13 and 11. This longshot turned into a reality when Sonia made it to the semifinals of the mission selection process.
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At this point, Sonia began receiving hate mail from the public, insulting her for “abandoning her family.” Sonia’s wife, Jason, came to her defence with an op-ed he wrote for Texas Monthly, saying that he had accepted the fact his wife would be leaving and had come to terms with it.
Jason says:

“What could be my personal horror story would become the world’s grandest adventure, and understanding how this might change my life forced me to realize that Mars One could change everyone’s life. If it succeeds in its mission … it would change the history of humanity by expanding our boundaries beyond this planet. This was bigger than me … it’s time to accept my role … We’re just an ordinary married couple in an extraordinary situation, and we’re taking it one small step for man at a time.”


Hopefully more people start to think like this, the world  galaxy would be a better place.




(Images via Flickr, Giphy)