In a recent interview for the October issue of Cosmo For Latinas, the ladies of Fifth Harmony take a strong stance against the double standards women face when it comes to sexuality and use Justin Bieber to make their point. Check it out!


WHEN ASKED “HAVE YOU GOTTEN FLACK FOR HOW YOU DRESS?”: Lauren Jauregui says, “It’s ridiculous! Just because we dress according to our body types and dress the way that we want to. A woman embracing her sexuality isn’t wrong, it’s not being a slut.”


Camila Cabello added, “People aren’t getting that it’s time to move on and be accepting of other women dressing however they want…..“I’ve noticed on our video comments, it’s people’s go-to, to accuse us of the whole ‘slut thing.’ Then they support men who do the craziest things and say nothing about them. F*cking Justin Bieber,”


She continued, “I’m sorry, excuse me. Justin Bieber takes his pants off, posts a pic of it, and it’s like, ‘OMG, he’s so hot.’ What. Is. That?! How is this reality? Know what I mean?”


Read more HERE

(image via Fifth Harmony Instagram)