Awesome product. Awesome ladies. Awesomeness all around.

Cara Delevigne is the face for Stella McCartney’s latest product.. A bra specifically designed for women who have undergone mastectomies.

She told E!:  The “Louise Listening Bra”, titled after Linda McCartney’s middle name, features a sexy front zipper, floral lace detailing and is designed without lining to enhance the wearer’s comfort. Other physical considerations that manifest in the design include a wide underband and deep sides that offer support and compression for post-mastectomy recovery periods. The style retails for $125.

“We wanted to bring something feminine and beautiful into a bra that is taboo,” the designer said in a statement. “There are so many different emotions attached to the tragic realities of having had a double mastectomy, many cultures are unaccepting and terrible things happen to women both physically and emotionally. And we just wanted to make something that allows women undergoing this to have something to be proud of, something with no shame attached. We wanted women to know that you can still be feminine, have your sensuality, have all of the things that are attached to being a woman and that part of your body can still feel beautiful on the outside, as well as the inside.”