We don’t have flying cars yet.. but we have an app to rate people.

Well folks.. Whatever mystery there was left about people could now be gone thanks to the next step in the extremely invasive world called the internet; and it’s called “Peeple”. Expected to launch later this year, Peeple is an app that lets you rate humans. Everyone from your boss to your sister to your ex can be added, and then rated in different categories.

Two friends have been developing the app, and this is their story:

Years ago, Nicole set out to change the way people can learn about each other online. She knew the value of a referral and then it struck her – why is there nothing that provides reviews, ratings and commentary on aspects that truly matter to us?

Teaming up with her best friend Julia, the two ladies have set out to change the way people can learn about each other online. The peeple app allows us to better choose who we hire, do business with, date, become our neighbours, roommates, landlords/tenants, and teach our children. There are endless reasons as to why we would want this reference check for the people around us.

Looking at everyone in the three ways you could possibly know someone – personally, professionally and romantically – you can provide a rating and review on everyone you come in contact with, while allowing yourself to be reviewed.


How does it work?

We are a concept that has never been done before in a digital space that will allow you to really see how you show up in this world as seen through the eyes of your network.

Peeple is an app that allows you to rate and comment about the people you interact with in your daily lives on the following three categories: personal, professional, and dating.

Peeple will enhance your online reputation for access to better quality networks, top job opportunities, and promote more informed decision making about people.

Authentic and relevant information about you and others you interact with is paramount to our vision for this app. Users will require a Facebook account to access the application, to verify and validate the minimum age requirement. To prevent multiple and fake profiles users will also need to validate that they are a real person with their cell phone number which will then text them a pin to login with.

Our mission is to find the good in you. Peeple has shown active support to the anti-bullying movement by providing users the ability to report other users. Negative comments don’t go live on the app for 48 hours; they simply go into the inbox of the person who got the negative review and then are given a chance to work it out with the person who wrote the review. If you can’t work it out with the person you can publicly defend yourself by commenting on the negative review.


The one upside is the fact that you can defend a negative review, but should this even be an issue to begin with?

Learn more about Peeple HERE 

As for now.. Better start patching things up with your awful ex and sucking up to your boss!