Today Show
Today Show

New Girl star Zooey Deschanel was on the Today Show and asked probably one of the most eye rolling questions about her daughter’s name.

Deschanel gave birth to her daughter ‘Elsie Otter’ in July, but we we only just found out her name last Wednesday at the premiere of her upcoming movie Rock the Kasbah. This morning, Zooey was asked to elaborate on the name and also asked THIS: “Is she named Otter because that’s her favourite animal?”. Skip to the 2:57 mark for the incredible journalism!



On camera, Zooey said, “We just really liked the name Elsie and then we both love otters — they’re very sweet and they’re also smart. They use tools … they hold hands while they sleep, there’s so many amazing things about otters. They’re wonderful animals.”

But we’re preeetttty sure we heard Zooey mutter, “HOW DOES THIS WOMAN HAVE JOB” under her breath after that question.