Sam and Nia YouTube
Sam and Nia YouTube

Just two months after they told the world that they suffered a miscarriage, Youtubers Sam and Nia have announced that they are expecting a baby!

Sam told PEOPLE magazine that they found out Nia was pregnant with their third child “a couple of weeks ago” and while they are unsure of how far along she is, they are “estimating eight weeks”.

This announcement isn’t without controversy, as the couple’s first miscarriage announcement video had some online speculating that the couple faked the pregnancy. Also, Sam had to admitted to signing up for an Ashley Madison account during and the two were kicked out of a Vlogger Fair in Seattle after a dispute with other bloggers.

Sam tells PEOPLE that the two aren’t worried about their detractors, “I just want to remind everybody to love everybody and we pray your readers will come to know the love of Jesus Christ,”