Katy Perry Instagram
Katy Perry Instagram

I know. I expected to see Taylor Swift at the top of this list. However, Katy Perry leads the way (big time) when it comes to money earned by female musicians this past year. This was fueled by the fact she grossed $2 million per city on her 126 tour dates…wow!

Katy added to her numbers with several endorsement deals and raked in a total of $135 million in 2015. Forbes released the top 5 earning women in music, with the list looking like this:


1. Katy Perry – $135 million

2. Taylor Swift – $80 million

3. Fleetwood Mac – $59.5 million

4. Lady Gaga – $59 million

5. Beyonce – $54.5 million


Watch Forbes break down how each artist earned their millions here.