Was Jennifer Aniston replaced in a scene on the hit TV show? It sure appears that way. More details after the jump!

Jordan D’Amico a blogger at RecentlyHeard.com was binge watching the TV show ‘Friends’ when he spotted an error; a stand-in in place of Jennifer Aniston’s character ‘Rachel’.




Crazy right?

Now it is no secret that TV shows use stand-ins during filming, especially when they need to re-shoot a particular part of the scene, but it’s not always the people are able to spot it.

I admittedly have never been a fan of the TV show, but according to D’Amico, the error takes place during season 9, episode 15 “The One with the Mugging”.

Now this isn’t the first time this has happened on Friends. Twitter user Jessica Solt noticed the time Courteney Cox’s character Monica was replaced..




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