
Now that Shia LaBeouf has watched all of his own movies, over a period of 3 days with a bunch of completestrangers / fans…what did Shia think of the whole experience? We think you’ll actually be surprised!

In an interview with NewHive the 29 year-old star admitted he was thrilled with the turnout of his marathon.“I can’t articulate how big this was. I don’t even know yet. All I know is I feel the weight of it. I’m walking through the streets and I’m smiling, like a cartoon character…I felt extraordinary support…” 


Shia LaBeouf


He was originally a little scared that people would throw popcorn or even light his hair on fire hahaha. The rest of the audience definitely had a blast from the past with some of his most famous films.


Shia LeBeouf


But let’s be honest…not all of his movies were…great…or even good…or even tolerable really. So what happened when those ones came on?


Shia LeBeouf


“When the movies started getting sh*t. I’m telling you. When the movies started getting sh*t and they knew that I felt it too, it was the shared secret that we all had…not just because I’m in it…I’m in the same boat as you, I’m a viewer in this and this is hard for me to watch too. In fact, I’m gonna go take a nap ‘cause I hate myself, not ‘cause I’m tired, but because I’m dying right now.”


Shia LaBeouf


But don’t feel too bad for Shia! Overall it was a really great experience:

“What happened in that room for those couple of days was we all shared something, we knew it to be true, we didn’t need to explain it to one another, and that made it awesome.”

PLUS, we got some REALLY great memes out of it!


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