20th Century FOX
20th Century FOX

Leonardo DiCaprio has never won an Academy Award. He has also never been sexually assaulted by a bear in a film. Facts!

With a gluttony of rumours percolating the Internet today, 20th Century FOX has been forced to issue what will probably go down as their oddest press release in history. FOX officially confirmed that a bear does NOT violate Leonardo Dicaprio in his upcoming film, The Revenant.




A spokesperson for FOX told EW“The bear in the film is a female who attacks [Leo] because she feels he might be threatening her cubs … there is clearly no rape scene with a bear.”

This morning, everywhere many on Internet believed that Leonardo Dicaprio was going to be “raped” by the bear. But now outlets like The Independent, The Express UK, Complex, and many others, have been forced to redact their stories, with FOX’s new statement.


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Vanity Fair is reporting that Hollywood journalist Roger Friedman’s recant of the movie, seems to be the spark for the alleged assault rumour. He wrote on Sunday, “The bear flips [DiCaprio’s character] over on his belly and molests him– dry humps him actually– as he nearly devours him.” Which turns out to be completely untrue.


Check out the trailer below:



The Revenant opens on Christmas Day.