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KiSS 925

Let’s embrace the season of giving and give one of these pups a FUREVER home!

If you haven’t got your Christmas cards yet, it’s not too late! You can pick up your holiday cards online or stop by the ‘SOS’ gift wrapping at Centrepoint Mall (6464 Yonge St). They’ve also got some great stocking stuffers like t-shirts and calenders on their website and OF COURSE all proceeds go to helping the rescues!

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This week Blake got to visit ‘Dog Fest’ at Bright Lane! One of our Save Our Scruff Adoptables, Tyler, was able to make it out to the event and now it looks like he might have already found his FURever home!



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AND now the Pups that are available to join your wonderful family!

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GIDEON is on the case of finding himself a furever home for the holidays! This guy is an 8 year old Husky from Montreal! English/French, this guy is down for anything if you make him a permanent member of your home. He has settled in beautifully and is looking for anyone willing to pat his head or sniff his butt on the streets of Toronto. He has moderate energy level — making him never tired after a walk but also easily convinced to lay on the couch with you anyway. He is very affectionate and playful and is just a up-beat guy. He has a slight bit of separation anxiety (whimpers) but is working on this in foster. He has yet to bark and is never mischievous when left alone (BUT adopters note: You cannot play into his separation anxiety or it could worsen!) He needs help with the basics but come on we all just want to live life to the fullest. No time for sit and stay when I got a grumbly tummy am I rite?!! Potty trained but needs some work on a leash. He’s a good condo/apartment/home kind of guy and is just happy to be near a loving family. He does need exercise so someone who is active when be very complimentary! He is not kid/cat tested but so far is not a shy dude and likes to meet ALL the things.




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Sophie has been adapting well to Toronto life. She likes meeting new friends and especially loves being loyal to her human. She will sit at your feet when you eat dinner or just to watch TV with you. She’s been learning new tricks and is now a total showgirl with sit and down! She is very comfortable in her surroundings and will wait for a belly rub from anyone she can get her paws on! She isn’t fond of other dogs and will growl when she sees them! She is a bit territorial (but working on it) and would not be good in a home with small children. She is also not a lover of feline friends. She is currently crated during the day and is very good! She is comfortable being left alone during the day and will still be your best friend when you return home. She also sometimes likes to talk! She does need a strong leader to encourage her positive behaviours and help correct her guarding. She is in Toronto and would love to meet you!



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SPINELLI is a gorgeous new scruff made from black silk woven by the gods. She is lively, curious, and friendly. This 8 month-old Lab mix just arrived from Montreal! She loves getting up in your business and sniffin’ around but will also settle in her bed if bribed with a good rawhide, and she’ll snuggle all through the night. Because she is very much still a baby, she needs lots of stimulation and attention and has lots of energy. She can be a bit of a hoover (so watch your shoes and bits of things on the floor) but she is very smart and with the proper guidance will have basic commands down in no time. Within a week, she learned how to sit, lay down, stay, fetch, and give paw, and is working on leash training. She will pull if she sees a cat or a squirrel, and is still learning that her leash is not a chew toy, but she gets better every day. She LOVES meeting new people and although looks strong and tough she would definitely get fired if she ever tried being a bouncer or security guard. She is basically no bark and no bite. Not even when someones at the door. She also loves meeting dogs, and kids, and is fine in the car. Because she is a lean and athletic dog that is still growing. She would benefit from having lots of space and a yard to explore (no #condolife for this lady) and it would be extra awesome if she found a home with another dog to play with, but not mandatory! Keep in mind that she is very puppylike and will need support to learn she is a bowling bowl when it comes to kids. *Note: She will need to be spayed before leaving our care!




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Meet ARYA SPARK! Rescued by a Quebec shelter by Hipster Santa himself, ARYA is a 2 year old Siberian Husky Mix. At a dainty 40lbs — she is the perfect sized pup for any type of home! This spunky gal is ready to be your adventure sidekick. For anyone who is over Netflix and Chill, she’s going to be the fun friend you always wanted! Also, her confident little trot beside you on the streets of the 6 will be sure to turn heads. Like a little wild wolf, she is always a step ahead. And at the end of the day, she insists on being on the couch with you to cuddle, and think about how awesome life is. She is a great houseguest as she is housebroken and crate trained (this shelter pup needs encouragement to go in but perfect once inside). ARYA only barks to air a complaint, so think of her as a sassy teenager. Otherwise she’s quiet in the house! New people are the best, and she knows exactly who will give her the best head scratch in the room. Exercise is a must for Huskies, and Arya Stark is no exception. She’ll get your ass in shape for that beach vacation you’re going to need this winter, and makes an awesome running partner. She’ll have the best time with active folks, and although I’m sure she’d love kids — she is still learning her manners about jumping on people. She’s great meeting other dogs, but hasn’t had any animal pals in the house. The chase would be on with cats, so not necessarily a great match with cats unless your cat can stand their ground. She’ll win you over with those sparkling blue eyes, and amuse you endlessly with her goofball nature! *Note: She came to us with skin irritations that we are treating with medication and have a follow-up vet appt booked to see how she is progressing!


Look how coooozyy these guys are in their FUREVER home…


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Bruce was the first and only dog I saw on the SOS Instagram. I just knew he was the one, so I filled out an application immediately and met him one week later. It only took 15 minutes to know without a doubt. 6 months later it gives me chills to think about life without him. He’s my best friend, most loyal companion and my number one priority. Every step back, and there have been a few, only solidifies my love further. He’s feisty, stubborn and loyal to the end. To SOS I owe the world, and so naturally when Laura and Alison told me that Bruce had puppies and one of them was in need of a home I did everything I could to help her.

My incredible roommate Kas and I only ever intended to foster Zola, now Birdie, but the moment she arrived we knew we had to keep her. Her outlandish energy, undying desire to please and snugly nature made her irresistible, especially to Kas who’s in full blown love. She adopted her shortly after.

Bruce and Birdie are not without their faults. They are a handful to say the least, impossible on a good day and reek havoc wherever they turn. But that’s why we love them. Forever and always. Life makes sense with them in it”. TRULY AMAZING!



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Happy one-year OLIVE “Olive came into my life almost 1 year ago – she was a Christmas surprise…and she turned out to be the best surprise ever! I remember meeting her for the first time and she was just so cute and loving. I never imagined a rescue puppy to warm up to a stranger so quickly, but she did. I think the first six months of her life must have been so lonely and scary that she’s so happy to be in the company of her humans. She soaks up love and attention and gives all of it right back to you.
I was very overwhelmed at first – never having a dog before it was a steep learning curve. But it’s funny how many strangers are quick to stop you on the street, love your new pup and offer all sorts of advice. I was able to get her and I into training right away which was so helpful. Even her pet store offered all sorts of help with toys and nutrition. Now – almost 1 year later – we’re each others shadow. We cuddle on the couch together, enjoy our walks and play all sorts of silly games. Olive is such a sweetheart – she smiles all the time, is always happy and is pure joy. She is an absolute sponge for love….and gives it right back to everybody in her life! She loves people and attention – and loves playing with her best furry friend Goldie. I can’t imagine my life without Olive and really can’t believe I went for so long without a furbaby
When I reflect on what her life must have been like, I get really emotional. And I am so grateful for rescue agencies like SOS. Like I said before, you gave Olive a chance at life, and gave me the love of my life”




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Simon & Garfy were the first boys that I dog sat for SOS and definitely won’t be the last. Ever since the first day I brought these boys home, I instantly fell in love!! They were timid and shy at first, but after a couple of days, they blossomed into the cute little cuddle monsters they always were. There were a couple of lifestyle changes I had to make in order to accommodate them, ie: waking up earlier to walk them, or heading home first to feed them before going out, but none of that felt like work. Instead it was something I looked forward to because I enjoyed spending time with them so much, and I began to realize that your lifestyle gradually changes because you care for them, and want them to be as comfortable as possible. Just because it’s temporary doesn’t mean you’re doing anything less, because all they want is your love, care and your cuddles! Nothing felt more fulfilling than that; at the end of the day, there are so many things that we have in our lives, but in our dog’s eyes, they only have us




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Yoko, our world traveler!! “About a year ago, this one was gallivanting the streets of Cozumel, Mexico, fending for her life and fighting each day as it came along. Today, Forks (Yoko) is in London, UK enjoying her very first Advent Calendar. How life can flip an absolute 180!”



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Our sweetie OLIVE OIL has been adopted and is enjoying life more then ever with her new mom!




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Happy one-year adoption anniversary to LUCY! “We started fostering Lucy about a year ago, the day I brought her home I knew I wasn’t letting her go. I pretended like I was looking for someone to adopt her and spreading the word but that was a lie! She was mine! (WE DO NOT SUPPORT THISSSS WE H8 HER FOR THIS – SOS) Lucy is ALL attitude! She loves telling her brother Riley (SOS rescue also) what to do and takes his toys right out of his mouth! She’s weirdly obsessed with feet and she loves sitting at the bottom of trees and watching squirrels and birds, and she now comes when called! This summer we discovered while at the cottage she loves the water! She literally jumped right in off the dock! Lucy is not a fan of dogs or children but we are working on it! She does although love her brother. She’s very protective of me (her mom) were still working on it! She’s also recently started jumping up on the couch and cuddling! We wouldn’t have our lucy loo any other way!” We always recommend training and hope to hear about some progress in the near future! Another happy home!



If you want to adopt a dog, start fostering or make a donation, email!

Also visit, the Save Our Scruff Facebook Page, and Instagram!