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This Saturday SOS is spreading their love outside of the city! The adoption event will be held in Burlington where you can meet your potential lover!

Happy Pet Thursday!!!! It’s the only day of the week where we get to celebrate dogs!

Now some of these pups need a home… and if you’re not quite ready to become a full-time parent, become a foster!


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What a beauty! GIDEON has been working on his separation anxiety and is doing better! He is howling a tad less but is still in need of support! GIDEON has decided that he LOVES companionship. That being said, he attaches himself to humans and gets anxious when you are away. GIDEON needs support in learning that he can be just as happy to kickback and relax while you are out! He will howl/whine on and off while he is alone. He is currently being barricaded while alone, and is learning to be crate-trained which is overall calming him down for longer periods of time (while still trying to find his wolf friends by letting out howls) He needs someone who will be dedicated to making him a happy, independent dude! He is an 8 year-old Husky that has never been in a stable environment. He is very affectionate and playful and just loves being social! He loves a full house, hosting dinner parties and Super Bowl Sundays with ALL your friends and family. He needs help with the basics but is pretty low-maintenance when you are home! He is SUPER relaxed with a great demeanor when he is around his humans. We see him going to a detached home as there will be a noisy adjustment period as he learns to like being left alone! Being active is also helpful for keeping him more relaxed alone so someone who likes a hike here and there would be awesome! GIDEON is a truly amazing companion who is very laid back most of time time, but needs help with his independence. He is not kid/cat tested but so far is not a shy dude and likes to meet ALL the things.




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Get ready to swoon over this little heartthrob ZACK MORRIS, with his golden sun kissed hair and puppy dog eyes! He was saved by the bell (get it?!?!) in Mexico and is now happily living in Toronto. ZACK MORRIS is still a puppy so he’s very energetic/playful and still has some basic skillzz to learn to help him be the best he can be. He’s great with other dogs and just wants to play, running and chasing the big dogs at the park until he’s had enough and just observes from the sidelines. He’ll bark at other dogs when he wants to play or if he hears loud noises in the home. He definitely LOVES his humans and wants you to play with him until you’re both absolutely exhausted at which point he’ll settle in for a nap. He loves fetch and will bring his ball back to you… most of the time. ZACK MORRIS has bursts of high energy where he just needs to chew something IMMEDIATELY so having a packed toy bin for him is a good idea or else he will chew you. He gets extremely excited for walks and currently has the tendency to jump up on EVERYONE because he’s just so happy to meet you. His leash skills definitely need work but he is improving every day. He is potty and crate trained but will need help with basic commands although he’s mastered sit. Since he can unintentionally get a little nippy during play time ZACK MORRIS should only go to a home with older children with dog experience. ZACK MORRIS is looking for a furever home that will help him harness his energy and excitement. ZM could definitely benefit from training classes or a doggy play group for stimulation and exercise. He is verryyy affectionate and will make an excellent companion.




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Everyone meet LAURA! Just like her namesake and our fearless leader, LAURA is medium energy, dog social and really just likes hanging with her homies. LAURA came from the tropics and is adjusting very well to her life in Canada so far. LAURA impressed everyone at a recent event with her newly learned skills including sit and shake a paw. She’s a smart cookie, easy to train, and will be running this city in no time. LAURA is potty trained but is currently going on a few walks throughout the day so she would benefit from a furever home with a flexible schedule. She LOVES being active and would love a companion that is a thrill seeker like her! A home with a yard would definitely be beneficial as well. She does not like being left alone and would prefer to spend the majority of her day hanging with her crew. LAURA loves visiting the dog park where she can socialize with new pals that will tire her out! She gets really excited to go out for walks and could potentially be a great jogging partner. When out she LOVES meeting EVERYONE and EVERYTHING. In the home she is pretty chill and super affectionate. Although not really tested, LAURA would likely be good with cats and children. LAURA is a stunning dog and would be a great addition to any home.





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Meet DUKE – a big, beautiful and slightly klutzy German Shepard! DUKE absolutely LOVES being around other dogs and is currently enjoying his days with his new Boston Terrier BFF. He’s also living with a cat and has shown no real interest other than wanting to give her a good sniff. DUKE seems a little apprehensive of the sights and sounds of the city but still likes to stop and say hi to any new human and canine friends. He would love to invite them all back to your crib if he could. He is extremely social and just wants to be the life of the party. At home, DUKE likes to be by your side and will bark if he would like you to join him in another room. He is potty trained and has been mastering basic commands. He is extremely smart and is eager to learn new tricks. He’ll pull on his leash however responds well to correction and will be an all-star with the right training. DUKE gets 2 – 3 walks a day, adding up to approximately 1 hour. He does have some sores on his paws that we are monitoring however his back paw will cause issues for life and will need to be monitored regularly. DUKE does show signs of separation anxiety but is easily distracted by a treat that will take longer than 2 seconds to gobble up when you’re leaving the house. He has shown some possessiveness around furniture and toys and needs a home that will not encourage this behaviour. He is not food aggressive and actually lays down when he eats because he’s just looking to relax and indulge. DUKE has a naturally calm temperament however does not realize his size and therefore needs an experienced home without young children.




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Kimi AKA Wanda from Rwanda is looking for a forever home! KIMI is stunninnngg and she kinda knows it. YAAS Queen! She has spent some time in training since she was displaying lots of mouthing and puppy like behaviour but now that she’s completed her program she’s ready for adoption. Before arriving in Canada KIMI was fending for herself on the streets of Rwanda so she will require continued patience, training and support to help her overcome some of the habits she picked up as a street dog. KIMI is extremely affectionate and wants to be cuddled and pet non-stop. She is also very dog social and would actually do best in a home with another dog who can show her the ropes. She is scared of cats but will occasionally tests the limits. KIMI is athletic and fast AF so would benefit from a good run once a day, plus a few shorter walks throughout the day. She’s fairly adaptable and would do well in most living situations as long as she’s with experienced and committed owners. Since food was likely scarce at times during her street days she becomes protective primarily around food or sometimes toys and will need continued training to help quit this habit. She’s also a bit of a DIVA and while she’s pretty good with basic commands she will test her limits if you allow her to. For example she’ll sit on command but will get right back up to see if you correct her. KIMI needs someone to be firm with her and not give in when she tries to bend the rules. Because of her possessive traits, KIMI should not go to a home with young children, however she has been good with older children who are comfortable and dog savvy. KIMI is an absolutely beautiful and sweet dog who has been given a second chance and just needs a loving home to guide her through the process.




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FLO is a very sweet girl who is looking for a loving and supportive home to help her shine. FLO has spent time in professional training before arriving at her foster and will need a home that is willing to continue to work on this. She is extremely affectionate and is basically a cuter, fluffier version of Dobby from Harry Potter. She has a face that will always look like a puppy. FLO loves to snuggle and nap with her humans but is shy and needs some time to warm up as she is fearful when meeting new people. FLO is very vocal and acts as your personal alarm when she hears outside noises and when people come home but does respond to corrections and quiets down. Her new home will need to be comfortable with correcting excessive barking and be in an atmosphere where neighbours are not hitting your floorboards with a broom. FLO is currently working on potty training as she is terrified to go outside in downtown Toronto. She does not do well in a city environment and should definitely go to a quiet, residential neighbourhood. FLO would love another dog in the home to help show her the ropes. She’s also fairly good with cats although sometimes has trouble containing her excitement. FLO needs an experienced and patient home willing to offer her behavioural support, keep her mentally stimulated and teach her some boundaries. She is currently learning her basic commands and showing improvement every day. She’s pretty low energy – she loves playing fetch inside and ice cubes are her favourite thing in the whole world! She’ll push them around and chew them all day if you let her. Overall FLO is extremely sweet and loving and will completely blossom in the right environment.


Status: Currently in our fuuuurever home


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Happy one-year anniversary to RINALDA “I fell in love with Rinalda now Dolly the moment I saw her picture go up on SOS for fostering. I discussed with my roommate and we agreed we could foster her. We both hoped it would be a few weeks, but once I met her and saw how well tempered and all around easy going she was I knew it would only be a matter of days before she was scooped up into her foreverhome. I made the decision to adopt her one week after meeting her, and now I have a hard time even remembering what my life was like before this little sunshine came into it. We had a few troubles at first, separation anxiety and submissive urinating, but we over came them with time and patience. Since adopting her we also moved apartments and she handled that really well, and seems to like our new space much more. We are also so close to high park now that I take her everyday. Watching her zoom around the trails with a big goofy smile on my face never fails to bring a smile to my face”



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Cesar is now home! “Cesar is now Murphy. Having had dogs prior to Murphy I knew that feeling of coming home to the full body dog wiggle and that unconditional dog love, but Murphy is my first rescue dog and nothing prepared me for the feelings that came with it. He has me nearly in tears (in a good way) on a regular basis: Like the first time he pulled out toys to play with on his own or chased a ball at the park, his leash walking and recall progress, or the first time I caught him and my other dog Milly snuggling together.

Milly has been such a great help teaching Murphy the ropes here too: Like no eating chicken wings off the table or eating kibble from her dish, who at the dog park has treats, and who Uncle Hot Dog is at family gatherings. He’s settled right into our home so quickly and is the biggest snuggler. Everyone he meets just absolutely loves him and his big floppy ears and he loves everyone. I even caught him snuggling on the couch with my dog-adverse grandfather at Christmas. He is just the most amazing dog!”




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Happy one-year to MARIA “Maria now MARI is the best addition to our fury family! She’s been camping and getting to travel up north all summer and it’s as if she’s found her paradise. When we first got her she was very quite and shy but now that seems like a distant memory. She’s very outgoing and overly friends and loves to sniff all types of face. She has one of the funniest most unique runs we’ve ever seen…it’s as if she’s running on an angle. We are so grateful to have her in our lives and can’t imagine a day without her! Thank you SOS your life changers!” Save a life, adopt a dog!




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Post adoption pupdate! “Bob Barker has been doing amazingly. He’s smart, playful and so social. He’s an energetic puppy so we still have a lot of learning to do, but I’m surprised by how quickly he’s adapted. I can’t imagine our home without him. Fostering and inevitably adopting him was the best decision I’ve ever made”. Another foster bites the dust! We are so happy that you decided to adopt! Congrats Bob!!



If you want to adopt a dog, start fostering or make a donation, email!

Also visit, the Save Our Scruff Facebook Page, and Instagram!