
To help all Ontarians reach their full potential and succeed in an evolving economy, the government is transforming Ontario’s student aid for postsecondary education to make it transparent, timely and targeted to those students with the greatest financial need. The government will create a simple, integrated, upfront grant — the Ontario Student Grant (OSG) — starting in the 2017-18 school year. Under the proposed system, average college and university tuition will be free for students with financial need from families with incomes of $50,000 or less, and tuition will be more affordable for middle-income families as well – Premier Kathleen Wynne called into KiSS 92.5 to talk to Roz and Mocha about this

Students in families with annual incomes of less than $50,000 will have no provincial student debt. The government will also expand financial support for mature and married students, and access to interest-free and low-cost loans for middle- and upper-income families will be increased by reducing their expected parental contributions.

Most students will have less debt than they would under the current system, and the maximum Ontario Student Assistance Program debt level will be capped at $10,000 annually for higher-income families. Ontario will continue to offer financial assistance for students who have difficulty repaying their student loans.