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Are you ready to meet your soulmate?? This weekend Save Our Scruff is holding yet again another adoption event in Burlington!

From 12pm-2pm some of these adorable dogs will be at Pet Valu @ 3505 Upper Middle Rd #1.


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KYA is back from training and is ready for her furever home! KYA will need an experienced owner who will remind her that they’re in charge and put routines in places for her. KYA thrives off routine and this will be crucial to her success in the future. Even at nine years old KYA is VERY energetic – it takes a lot to tucker this girl out, trust. She’s currently getting four walks per day but her energy levels are STILL high even right after a walk. We seriously don’t know where it comes from. She would definitely benefit from a home with a big backyard where she has space to run and chase ALL the squirrels. KYA is goon on leash and doesn’t bark at people or other dogs on the street. She will occasionally bark at strange noises while in the home but overall is very quiet. KYA loves meeting new furry friends when out and about! KYA knows some basic commands but needs a home that’s willing to continue to work with her. She’s not the most consistent with telling you when she needs out so ongoing patience with her potty training is essential. KYA is VERY sweet and affectionate with everyone and LOVES a good belly rub. KYA is very intuitive and understands your mood but also really appreciates when you do something nice for her and repays you with a million kisses. Relationship Goals! She is not cat/kid tested.


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FRED ASTAIRE is about to win you over with his super sweet puppy dog eyes that melt your soul! He is ALL limbs and will often just spread out doing his best Bambi on ice. Also, he might be part meerkat as he stands right up on his hind legs when he’s curious about something. FRED is settling into his new life and for the most part is relaxed and chill while at home. Because everything is so new for him he’s very anxious in new surroundings and around new people. If he feels threatened he’ll let out a little growl as a warning (like if new people are approaching him too quickly) but overall is extremely gentle. He’s pretty low energy in the home and his playful spurts never last more than five minutes. He will look for things to chew but responds well to correction. He loves to curl up with a good bone that’s for sure! FRED gets very excited for his walks and would benefit from at least one long walk per day however it will take him some time to build confidence as he’s currently very timid outside. He’ll need help with his leash skills and proper socialization skills as he’s not currently a fan of other dogs. He would likely do well outside of the city with less noise and commotion. FRED will need a patient family to help him break out of his shell. Once he trusts you he follows you around like your shadow. He LOVES a good belly scratch but doesn’t seek constant affection. He’s potty and crate trained and although he’s not a fan of his crate he should def be left in there while you’re out of the house or he will get up to no good. Don’t get freaked out but FRED totally sleeps with his eyes open – he may look awake but he’s for sure snoozing and dreaming of bones. FRED is a super special dude and will thrive in a furever home that can help build his confidence. He’s not cat and not a fan of kids.


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Meet TILLY – she is beyond cute and she looks like a tiny German Shepard. TILLY travelled all the way from the tropics and while she’s pumped to be in Canada she’s still learning some things. TILLY’s still on island time and just likes to chiiillll with her humans. She’s apprehensive of new places and it will take her some time to settle into her new home. TILLY is potty trained but is hesitant to go while she’s on leash so her furever home will need to help her adjust! She is a little unsure of her surroundings and will need some practice to lead to confidence! She may also not be a fan of the cold yet! She LOVES the backyard life but does NOT like walks and will only move if she knows it’s toward home. As a result she’ll need someone who is patient with her potty training. TILLY is very smart and killinnggg it with basic commands so far. She’s very food driven and runs to her blanket to sit as soon as you pull out a treat. She’s crate trained and LOVES her crate. Just like all of us on a Monday morning, it’s hard to get her outta that comfy bed, amiright?! TILLY is excellent at reading your moods and knows when it’s time to turn up and when it’s time to relax. She loves cuddling on the couch and giving and receiving kisses. She’s very dog social and would benefit from a dog sibling in the home to show her the ropes. She’s currently living with a cat with no issues.


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At her first check-up GINGER ROGERS was described by the vet as a “super adoptable dog” – the end. K, just kidding, we have more. GINGER is a beautiful island girl now looking for her furever home! She’s settling in very well to her new routine and warms up to people very quickly. She is super affectionate and loving and is a bit of an attention monster, wanting as many pets and cuddles as you have to offer. GINGER gets along with other dogs and is really enjoying play time with her new foster sister but can get a little nippy if she feels scared or cornered. Overall though she just wants to play with her new dog friends and would benefit from play dates at the park as long as the space is fenced in. She currently has a foster sister and is loving her new bestie. She’s learning about toys but is still a little confused – we think she’ll be into them once she figures it out. GINGER is pretty good on a leash but will pull a bit if she gets excited. On walks she’ll occasionally bark at other dogs…. as well as tall people. She also needs help with ALL basic commands. GINGER would benefit from an active lifestyle, a fenced in yard and a dog playmate in her new home. She’s also happy to curl up on the couch with you especially if you’re watching the doc series Planet Earth which is her faaavveee. GINGER can also help you find all the socks you’ve lost in the past year but she calls them dinner. GINGER doesn’t love being left home alone but she can handle it so giving her proper guidance when you leave/return is beneficial for continued success. She’s potty trained and somewhat crate trained but will bark at first.


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Kimi AKA Wanda from Rwanda is looking for a forever home! KIMI is stunninnngg and she kinda knows it. YAAS Queen! She has spent some time in training since she was displaying lots of mouthing and puppy like behaviour but now that she’s completed her program she’s ready for adoption. Before arriving in Canada KIMI was fending for herself on the streets of Rwanda so she will require continued patience, training and support to help her overcome some of the habits she picked up as a street dog. KIMI is extremely affectionate and wants to be cuddled and pet non-stop. She is also very dog social and would actually do best in a home with another dog who can show her the ropes. She is scared of cats but will occasionally tests the limits. KIMI is athletic and fast AF so would benefit from a good run once a day, plus a few shorter walks throughout the day. She’s fairly adaptable and would do well in most living situations as long as she’s with experienced and committed owners. Since food was likely scarce at times during her street days she becomes protective primarily around food or sometimes toys and will need continued training to help quit this habit. She’s also a bit of a DIVA and while she’s pretty good with basic commands she will test her limits if you allow her to. For example she’ll sit on command but will get right back up to see if you correct her. KIMI needs someone to be firm with her and not give in when she tries to bend the rules. Because of her possessive traits, KIMI should not go to a home with young children, however she has been good with older children who are comfortable and dog savvy. KIMI is an absolutely beautiful and sweet dog who has been given a second chance and just needs a loving home to guide her through the process.


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SANDWICH is looking for her forever home! SANDWICH likely spent the first year of her life as a lone wolf fending for herself so she’s still getting used to this whole being a pet thing. She is very loving and affectionate toward humans but will require a patient home willing to continue to work with her. She is currently working on potty training but is fully crate trained. She loves her crate as this is her own personal safe space so her new family is encouraged to continue using one. SANDWICH is a very athletic and active dog. She is strong like bull and will require a home that can keep up with her. She LOVES to play fetch and could probz help your jogging game stay on point. SANDWICH is still a puppy so she requires help with basic training. Her name is fitting because she is VERY food motivated (which helps with training) although she should eat dog treats and not sandwiches, obvi. She is getting better on a leash but is dog aggressive and will bark/lunge/growl at other dogs. As a result she should not be off leash or visiting any dog parks. With proper socialization and training this could improve, however SANDWICH should be the only pet in her furever home for the time being. She is also not kid or cat tested. SANDWICH is good while left alone as long as she’s in her crate because her curiosity gets the best of her when she’s left out and she gets into everything. SANDWICH would thrive in an active home that will keep her mentally stimulated and continue with her training.


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For anyone looking for company, SIMON & GARFUNKEL make great companions! These boys are both 12 years old and are bonded together because they are BESTIES FOR LIFE — taking that expression VERY seriously. The boys are definitely your cuddle/lap dogs, if that is what you are looking for. Live alone? They will bring the party! And by that we mean lots of naps between your legs. They are fine home alone and will stay in their crate and not make a peep. They do although get excited for walks and will bark. They may also bark at random noises, and bark at other dogs on walks. They are great at home, boring, human friendly dogs. Simon, the more dominant guy is not dog friendly and will bark excessively until GARF chimes in. They are actually better on walks separately, or do best in a rural backyard! They really don’t need much time out and about other than doing their business! They are not cat or kid friendly! They are pretty low key and are looking for a home that will fit their energy.


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FLO is a very sweet girl who is looking for a loving and supportive home to help her shine. FLO has spent time in professional training before arriving at her foster and will need a home that is willing to continue to work on this. She is extremely affectionate and is basically a cuter, fluffier version of Dobby from Harry Potter. She has a face that will always look like a puppy. FLO loves to snuggle and nap with her humans but is shy and needs some time to warm up as she is fearful when meeting new people. FLO is very vocal and acts as your personal alarm when she hears outside noises and when people come home but does respond to corrections and quiets down. Her new home will need to be comfortable with correcting excessive barking and be in an atmosphere where neighbours are not hitting your floorboards with a broom. FLO is currently working on potty training as she is terrified to go outside in downtown Toronto. She does not do well in a city environment and should definitely go to a quiet, residential neighbourhood. FLO would love another dog in the home to help show her the ropes. She’s also fairly good with cats although sometimes has trouble containing her excitement. FLO needs an experienced and patient home willing to offer her behavioural support, keep her mentally stimulated and teach her some boundaries. She is currently learning her basic commands and showing improvement every day. She’s pretty low energy – she loves playing fetch inside and ice cubes are her favourite thing in the whole world! She’ll push them around and chew them all day if you let her. Overall FLO is extremely sweet and loving and will completely blossom in the right environment.


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JAKEY is looking for a furever home! He is gaining confidence and trust in his foster care but we need someone to give him this loyalty long-term. JAKE is great in the home and is definitely a loyal companion to those that he trusts. He also now gets excited to go outside. He will explore the streets of Toronto still timid to unfamiliar dogs/people but with more confidence than we have ever seen before. He is great with familiar doggy pals and enjoys meeting up for walks or little afternoons together. For example, he allows a puppy he is friends with to jump ALL other him with no problems. His issue comes when there is a potential NEW friend. JAKE has a hard time trusting strangers as he has been both physically and emotionally abused in his past. JAKE thrives with those that he trusts but is hard to win over at first. JAKE is totally like ‘mom why do I need new friends when I already have 3’. We want him to be happy meeting his own kind as well as new mates to rub his belly! His handler will need to help guide JAKE while also providing him with the trust he longs for (someone who won’t give up). Work at home or in training is preferred for his furever home. He is a great snuggle buddy to those that he loves but you just have to be willing to put in effort to get there! JAKE is a classy dude that has not been shown the best from humans.


Happy Anniversary in your furever home pups!

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Cole, Finny, Asian

Happy one-year Cole! “I have had Dogs all my life and have always rescued! My more recent “Rescue history” came when my son turned 5 and I felt it was time for him to have a dog (turned out to be MY dog). Then when my Daughter turned five well it became time for another Dog and we found ourselves with two rescues. But, four years ago my Beloved Barkley (my ‘sons’ dog) passed at 12 years old. What a “soul mate” he was. There was a hole in my heart – so a few short months later along came yet another Mutt, what a character he has turned out to be! I could not believe how he helped heal me.
Now enters Save Our Scruff – I just happened to see a “like” on Facebook. I live in the country and Aslan is getting up there in age 11 years – I start to think well Finn could use a younger playmate. Well don’t I get a call a short time later and along comes Cole – there was a rescue of a litter from Northern Quebec – that would have been killed had Save Our Scruff not rescued them. Cole is just now over a year and it has been an adventure. Cole carry’s the mail in for me, he brings me bottles of water, he takes the laundry downstairs to the laundry room. He just loves to have a job to do. Cole is one of those Dogs that just does not look at you – he looks you right in the eye and communicates with you. Cole at such a young age has turned out to be such a well balanced loving Boy and I could not possibly Love him more than I do!I LOVE Mutts – it’s almost like they know you saved them and give back just so.