The Oxford English Dictionary is entering 2016 by adding some new hip young lingo to their collection of ‘official’ words.




This year, Oxford added a lot of cool slang, and some cute abbreviations. It’s also fun to know that “soy milk” wasn’t a word until today! The long list of added words includes:

BRB (be right back)
butt cheek
cold caller
Dirty martini
elimination diet
FWIW (for what it’s worth)
glamping (glamourous camping)
Hen do
ICYMI (in case you missed it)
IDC (I don’t care)
soy milk
spray tan
staring contest
stress test
supercouple (a popular, famous ‘perfect’ couple)
TBH (to be honest)
tl;dr (too long, didn’t read)
trout pout (swollen lips after cosmetic injections)
vampire squid (a deep sea animal)
I think we can all agree that Kylie Jenner is sole reason the word “Trout Pout” exists.


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Expect these words and more to be in the newest edition coming in the next few months.



Filed under: Oxford Dictionary