Fittingly on #MeanGirlsDay, aka October 3rd, we have Lindsay Lohan news! I wouldn’t say its the best news, but Cady Heron is back in the headlines regardless!


Last night on SnapChat, Lohan revealed that she lost part of her finger in a boating accident. As TMZ writes, “The anchor pulled her down into the water and she struggled to get back in the boat as she tried untangling herself.
The anchor sliced off the tip of her finger. Her friends went on the hunt and found the detached digit on the deck of the boat. They rushed LiLo to an ER, where a plastic surgeon reattached it.”


Lindsay Lohan SnapChat
Lindsay Lohan SnapChat


Linds seems to be cool about the whole situation however, posting this pic to Instagram with the caption, “One handed selfie.”


Nine fingers is not going to happen.



Filed under: Lindsay Lohan