If you need a little pick me up, this story is for you.

Meet 32 year old Ana-Alecia Ayala. Last December, she was diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma, which is a rare form of uterine cancer; despite her diagnosis, Ana-Alecia hasn’t let it keep her down.

In a new viral video, Ana-Alecia, along with her “chemo buddy” Danielle Andrus, dance to the popular rap song, ‘Juju on that Beat’ in Ana-Alecia’s hospital room.

Dressed in her hospital gown, Ana has the biggest smile on her face as her and Danielle work their way through some hip-hop choreography around some hospital room equipment.

She posted the video to Instagram (see below) and on Facebook and the hashtags she uses in the video’s caption demonstrate her positive attitude to going through cancer treatment, #JujuOnThatChemo, #DanceTherapy, #NoHairDontCare.


According to her GoFundMe page, the tumour in her uterus is gone but she’s now undergoing chemo for a new tumour that was discovered a few months ago in her spleen.

God bless and best wishes to Ana-Alecia!

Filed under: Juju on that Beat