We are all patiently awaiting new music from the extremely talented singer/songwriter – while we wait, he still melts our hearts. Melody Driscoll is just 9 years old. She can’t walk or talk. Melody has spent nearly 80 percent of her life hospitalized. That’s because she suffers from Rett syndrome, a condition that “causes problems in brain function that are responsible for cognitive, sensory, emotional, motor, and autonomic function.” The saddest part about this is that doctors can’t figure out why this happened to her. They can only try to make her life a happy one while trying to manage her pain. Ed’s music has seemed to soothe and relax Melody over the last few years.


Melody’s mom Karina explains:

“The very first time she heard it, she couldn’t stop smiling at Ed on the TV. Then every single time Ed came on TV from then on, Melody had the same reaction. One of those times Melody was in severe pain and Ed managed to pull her out of that pain episode. So now every time she’s in pain we have to put Ed’s videos on our phones, even the nurses.”


Through the help of social media, Melody’s story reached the ‘Thinking Out Loud’ singer. Ed and his team tried to arrange for Melody to make it out to his concert last year. However, due to her poor health at the time, her family had to decline. All was not lost though. A new video circulated showing how powerful Ed’s music was to Melody – it reached Ed’s team and on November 9th, 2016 a little girl’s life was changed forever.

Ed walked into the hospital. No bodyguards, no entourage, no cameras. Just a great guy with a big heart, there to visit a sweet little girl. Karina said it was amazing visit:

“A lot of people think that Melody [doesn’t] understand anything because she can’t speak, so they treat her like a baby. But not Ed. He spoke to her normally, he got that she understands everything. He was so gentle with her and she was so gentle with him. Normally she can lash out in frustration but not once did she [do that] to Ed. She kept blowing him kisses so he gave her real kisses, she kept opening her arms to him so he kept giving her cuddles. I owe Ed Melody’s life. He is the very person who keeps her alive, she only fights because of him. She’s almost given up so many times but we put Ed’s [music] on and she starts fighting again. I was told she wouldn’t live past the age of 4 but she [will be] 10 in December. Ed Sheeran doesn’t realise the true impact he’s had on Melody and all her team who love Melody … I hope he never ever forgets her because we will never ever forget him or this moment.”


courtesy: Facebook/Melody In Mind

Filed under: Ed Sheeran