The Bangor, Maine Police Department are here to let you know that the attractive lady from the Philippines who needs you to send her money probably isn’t real.




The department wrote on their Facebook Page today, “we have been dealing with numerous complainants (men) who received a “friend request” from what appears to be a very attractive female. If it seems to be too good to be true, it probably is. In these cases, it definitely is.”




They then laid out some basic rules for interacting with these ‘too good to be true’ requests:


The time to say no to these requests is when an unknown and attractive woman tries to friend you on “the Facebook.”
If this happens, follow these simple tips.
1. Go to the closest mirror.
2. Look at yourself.
3. Give yourself an honest review and realize that there is no reason in the world that an attractive lady from the Philippines wants to be your friend.
4. Return to the computer and delete the friend request.
5. Continue looking at lawnmowers, motorcycles and jacked up trucks that are for sale in your region of the country.
6. Realize that you just saved yourself from showing the world what no one really needs to see, and a whole lot of cash.


Check out the whole post below:

Please don’t send your money to attractive strangers on the Internet.