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According to 21-year old Kendall Jenner, she made the decision to delete her Instagram page primarily because she wanted a detox.


While on the Ellen DeGeneres show, Kendall said, “I just wanted a little bit of a break. I’m always on it.  I feel like I would wake up in the morning and I would look at it first thing, I would go to bed and it was the last thing I would look at. I felt a little dependent on it.”


Kendall also expressed to Ellen that she found it weird that her deleting Instagram made headline news all over: “It’s so crazy to me that it even became huge news like that. I guess I didn’t expect it but I also took my Twitter off my phone. I didn’t delete my Twitter entirely but I took the app off my phone so I had no idea anyone was even talking about it and I honestly didn’t think anybody would care.”




It’s safe to say that Kendall WILL return to the social media world.  When? She’s not sure as of yet but she did make it clear to Ellen that she’ll be back!

Filed under: Kendall Jenner