Just a week ago, Kanye West walked off stage during his show on the St. Pablo Tour, to which the world later found out that Kanye had a breakdown, and then was hospitalized shortly after.


A close source to Kanye has stated,  “He’s just exhausted. He’s been working around the clock on fashion design, both on his own line and the Adidas line. He’s a notorious workaholic, so balancing both that work — which is extremely important to him — and the tour really wore him out.”


Between Kim’s robbery, his new clothing line and tour — it’s no wonder Kanye has been out of control.


Not to mention, the 2007 passing of his mother, Donda West (Nov.10) also has contributed to his stress / breakdown.


A video has began surfacing around social media of Kanye’s doctor (not named) making a 9-1-1 call just last week, requesting police backup.  The doctor also stated that Kanye will in fact need to be hospitalized which then the operator asked if Kanye had any weapons on him and for his doctor to not allow any weapons to be in Kanye’s possession.


Kanye has since been released from the hospital and is now home with his family but there is not telling when he’ll be back on stage.



Filed under: Kanye West