A black man in Alabama named Daiwon McPherson proposed to his girlfriend last Friday, by making her think he was about to get SHOT BY POLICE.

He was supposed to meet her for a date, but didn’t show up. Then one of his friends called and told her he was in a police chase, and was ARMED. So, she went to a gas station where they said he was. Then the cops showed up, and started pointing their tasers at him.

They were in on it, and the tasers didn’t actually work. But his girlfriend had no idea, and just tried to calm everyone down.

Then after they made him kneel on the ground, he pulled out a ring and proposed to her.

For some reason she LOVED it. She says she had no idea it was a setup, because he actually HAS been arrested for running from the cops before.

Daiwon says he thought it would be a good way to promote the Black Lives Matter movement, and show people how the cops and the black community can work together for a good cause.

A lot of people think it was insensitive though . . . or, just dumb.