For the first time in over 13 years, former American Idol competitors Ruben Studdard (the winner in 2003) and Clay Aiken (the runner up) took the stage together to perform!

The two appeared on The View and sung a duet of “This Christmas” (which you can watch in the video above).

Hard to believe that it’s been 13 years since the two squared off in the Season 2 finale of American Idol…

The two apparently remain close friends as Clay revealed, “We FaceTime once every week or so, still”.

Ruben added, “Clay was one of the first people I actually met during Hollywood week and we’ve been friends ever since.”

Since winning Idol in 2003, Ruben has kept busy, “I have been really blessed over the past 13 years to have released seven albums, I’ve been touring all over the world over the last 8 years doing the Hitman Tour with David Foster and just enjoying life. I’m actually producing a new children’s show right now called Uncle Ruben’s House.”