*~Welcome to my airport~*

Who would you say is the most influential pop culture name to come out of Toronto? Drake? The Weeknd? Maybe.

Would you ever sign a petition to change the name of the Pearson Airport to ‘The Drake International Airport’ or ‘The Weeknd International Airport’?

Probably not.

If the sound of ‘Fred Rogers International Airport’ appeals to you however, you should be the next to sign the petition to have Pittsburgh’s airport’s name officially changed.. because there is an ACTUAL PETITION FOR THAT!




A dude named Ian Miller in PA has started a full blown petition and given the full low down on why he wants to switch it up..

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is a historic city built at a strategic crossroads in the United States.  Pittsburgh’s history is rich with culture from the countless peoples who settled in neighborhoods around town.  Fred Rogers, a television pioneer and children’s entertainer, shared Pittsburgh’s sense of community with the world through his PBS show, Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood.  Pittsburgh is still an active transit hub and, for many people, our airport will be their first experience in Pittsburgh.  We wish to welcome everybody to our neighborhood.

So that we may honor Fred Rogers and the city of Pittsburgh, we call upon the Allegheny County Airport Authority and the City of Pittsburgh to officially name our airport: Fred Rogers International Airport.

The petition is well on it’s way to being signed by enough folks, with over 11,000 participants already!

Well alright then.

mr rogers

See the petition HERE!