Looks like Canadian cutie is taking his talents to the big screen because Shawn Mendes is said to star in the upcoming movie musical, Summer of Love.


It’s been reported that the details about this musical are ‘strictly on a need-to-know basis’ however, the Canadian director behind the film, Ivan Reitman, personally asked for Shawn to be a part of this new project.


Based on the information that has been released about the film, Summer of Love is a ‘road trip film’ which means only one thing … SHAWN AND HIS GUITAR! 


Back in October of 2016, Shawn expressed his interest in film, how he’s been working with an acting coach and looking forward to taking on new projects.


“I think the thing about acting is you’re not being yourself, whereas in my [music] career I’m being myself.  But in the same way it’s very similar, because it’s just evoking emotion that’s given to you.”Shawn Mendes 


Although some may assume this is Shawn’s first acting gig, it’s not!  Back in 2013, he did some voice work in the movie ‘Underdogs’ and then made a guest appearance on the teen drama ‘The 100’.


No word yet when the film will be released, but until then we can take in Shawn’s sweet vocals.



Shawn takes the stage at the ACC on Fri. August 11th and Sat. August 12th and he’s bringing along Charlie Puth!



Filed under: shawn mendes