She’s written for the likes of Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato and Fifth Harmony, but now 23 year old Julia Michaels is stepping out on her own with her debut single, ‘Issues’!

The music video (which you can see above) was directed by Tabitha Denholm and produced by Peter Williams.

She told, This is a very personal song. I wrote it after a fight I had with my boyfriend, [and] I just felt uncomfortable having someone else sing such a personal song of mine.”

Writing ‘Issues’ came at a very important time for Michaels as a song-writer, “You get so used to hiding behind people. I’ve been doing it for so long. You kind of lose who you are after a little bit, and you forget that you have a voice and that your voice is powerful, no matter who you are. And I think that you wake up one day, and that insecure side of you that tells you that you’re not good enough gets a little quieter. And you think, ‘Okay, I need to do this.'”

Michaels made her television debut a few weeks ago when she performed the song on The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon, watch video of that below.

“Issues” is Julia Michaels first single off her own debut EP which is expected to be out later this year.

Filed under: Julia Michaels, justin bieber, Music Videos, Selena Gomez