The 45th president of the United States of America once said, “I know words, I know the best words. But there’s no better word than stupid.”

Despite that legendary statement, President Donald Trump has once again proved himself wrong, gifting the Twitterverse with a new word that may be the very definition of stupid.

Last night, just after the clock struck 12 p.m., President Trump tweeted “Despite the constant negative press covfefe”—prompting concerned members of the public to ask the big question: WTF DOES THAT MEAN?

Though the president has since deleted his late-night musing from Twitter, he woke up this morning ready to fuel the 140-character fire tweeting: 

And ohhhhh boy, did the internet “enjoy” this latest gift/curse. If you saw the trending term and thought, like a rational human, that you could look up this word in the dictionary, don’t bother.

Instead, it has fallen to the internet masses to crowdsource the meaning behind this new term/likely typo—and the responses did not disappoint.

Now use it in a sentence…

But also, don’t let all the #covfefe memes distract you from the actually super serious presidential move on the horizon. According to Axios, Trump will be withdrawing from the Paris Agreement:

In conclusion, this user speaks for us all:

Filed under: flare, pop culture