Taylor Swift might be celebrating selling more than 10 million copies of 1989 worldwide, but she really just won the prize for Pettiest Marketing Move by a Pissed Off Pop Star Ever. After pulling her music from Spotify in 2014 in protest that artists weren’t being paid fairly, she just released HER ENTIRE MUSIC CATALOGUE to all streaming services, including Spotify, Tidal and Amazon. The official reason? To celebrate the above-mentioned 1989 milestone, of course. The suspected *true* motive? To outshine her sworn rival Katy Perry, whose new album Witness dropped, oh, on the same day.

Perry may have told James Corden on the May 22 episode of The Late Late Show that Taylor “started it”… well, it seems like T-Swift kinda just finished it, no?

And while we’re not usually here for the Katy Perry-Taylor Swift dramz, we can’t help but be riveted by this swift move of pure pettiness. Twitter, as always, was here for it.











Crazy coincidence or advanced shade? You be the judge…

Filed under: flare, Katy Perry, Music, Taylor Swift