Cars 3 is now playing everywhere, and Nathan Fillion was in Toronto to promote the 3rd instalment to the super successful franchise and wants us to know that the big message in this film is “don’t let other people tell you, you can’t”

while sitting down with Damnit Maurie of the Roz & Mocha Show, Nathan offered up an isight into voicing an animated classing like Cars 3 “When you are in front of the camera, you are entirely in charge of the entire presentation… every look of your eye, every blink, every wink, every smirk is under your control.. when you go to do a voice over, you relinquish your control. when you talk about people at Pixar, these trustworthy people who can handle that kind of load, and you get to swing in at the end and get to see what it became! It’s beautiful, its fresh! You weren’t there for the filming of it, so you’re entirely surpassed when you see it!”  He also jokes and says “i don’t wear pants.. you’ve gotta be comfortable” when going into the voice booth.

When talking about the message of the film Nathan Fillion says “essentially Lightning McQueen went from being the rookie sensation, and you can’t be the rookie sensation forever, you move along and become a part of the older guys.. And now new rookies come in behind you.. and now you’ve lost your place, but there is another place for you.. You don’t lose, you just shift”


Filed under: Cars 3, Damnit Maurie, nathan-fillion