Gather all your buddies around because the rumours are true, Canada is running low on its weed supply…meaning that by the time its legal there might not be enough of it!!



Quartz quotes Cam Mingay saying that this is, “ultimately the biggest problem is one of supply, so we want to make certain that, when we do proceed, there is sufficient supply to accommodate the activity because what we’re trying to do is curb the illicit use and organized crime that now exists around it.”


main seth list

This issue is becoming a GROWING problem because of the rapid rise of pot users.




Marginal Revolution‘s Alex Tabarrok says, “much of the new demand will come from people who were deterred from buying illegally. However, even if the price of legal pot is higher than the current illegal price, the demand for illegal pot will fall, putting pressure on the criminal element.”




This might just be the most Canadian problem ever, eh?

Filed under: Canada, weed